
fucking life, fucking love, everything sucks.
always alone, always busy, always forced by society standards, always fat and i can´t even have sex with my guy

4 days later and darks are celebrating love, of course i like the way they do it, they enjoy love representing its true face, suffering and pain, i´ll go there showing the lonely face of love.
my cousin, the one who´s older than me, is getting married tomorrow, and following the right order, the next in the list is... me, i´m the next!! and what´s the reality? i don´t want to, i want to, i want love, i don´t have it close to me, is it coming soon? i have a better question, is it coming someday? what if it comes? what if it goes? everything will be the same again, a constantly come and go remembering that nothing is forever and that life sucks.
and... yeah! i have SPM so let me cry for a while and let me suffer in this fucking world, maybe tomorrow the world will be pink again.


At 1:15 a.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

If you wanna, some beauty fuck, dont stay so far...
give me a slowly, lonely, and guilty time... but, it had to be in my bedtime...

At 9:08 p.m., Blogger Lu said...

luv ya Al


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